It’s Me
I’m the Artist
It’s Me!
Welcome to my art website….
It’s pretty eclectic, kinda like me!
Where will you adventure today?
(if you haven’t already)
1. The Blog
I’ve been in the industry for a decade, and have TONS to share! Whether you’re looking for some business advice or you are here to learn new techniques, or find inspiration, I’ve got you covered!
Now that I’ll be releasing original art, prints and other goods, I’m also sharing a bit about each release – my inspiration, my creative process, and other behind-the-scenes peeks!
2. The Classes
How do you DO that?! Wonder no more! My classes are practically unparalleled with the amount of learning and the quality of everything – from videos to pdfs, downloads, etc. I strive to provide you everything you need to learn successfully, and DO successfully!
Of course, I have an entire catalog of Techniques (do you have your Technique Starter Kit yet?), and I have the popular Stamp Focus classes (soon to be re-released) where you use one stamp the whole month, learning techniques along the way to get the most out of your supplies. And don’t forget about Conquering Color (coming soon) – the class that will have you exploring ALL the color in your space, and learning how to catalog and use it effectively.
3. The Shop
The SHOP is something new in 2024, because I finally decided to take the plunge into doing what it takes to let you get your hands on my original designs! These releases will come out periodically throughout the year, and they will be special!
There will be original pieces of art (signed with letters of authenticity), photography, art prints, and other items showcasing my art – as well as digital designs and art papers if you want to include my backgrounds and designs in your projects!
Subscribers on my Art Shop Updates & Promos list will get ADVANCED NOTICE of upcoming releases, as well as ADVANCED ACCESS to all pre-orders and openings!
I invite you to join my mailing list for SPECIAL PROMOTIONS and EXCLUSIVE EARLY ACCESS to all new releases, plus 10% OFF your first print order!